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What is the conflict of values between residents and tourists on Rosslyn Chapel?

What is the conflict of values between residents and tourists on Rosslyn Chapel?
Author: Ellis Todd
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This paper finds out what conflicts there where after filming the Da Vinci Code at the Rosslyn Chapel, as this Film Tourism would have had an effect on local people and the area around it.

Da Vinci Code, Rosslyn Chapel, Film Tourism, Effect.

Discussion Paper:
What is the conflict of value between residents and tourists on Rosslyn Chapel?
Film Tourism is described as 'the effect that films and TV-productions can have on our travel decisions as they inspire people to experience the screened places first hand. Not only is film tourism an excellent vehicle for destination marketing, it also presents new product development opportunities, such as location tours, film museums, exhibitions and the theming of existing tourist attractions with a film connection (Film Tourism, 2015)'. This shows that people are drown into a destination because it has been in a television program or a movie. This is because people want to go and visit these beautiful places first hand and have their opinion on it. Also other people state that Film Tourism 'can be defined as a branch of cultural tourism (Zimmermann, 2003, p.76 in Tomala and Faber, 2011) and refers to the growing interest and demand for locations which became popular due to their appearance in films and television series (Tomala and Faber, 2011)'. This shows that the Rosslyn chapel has become famous because of the Da Vinci Code filming in this location. Which makes tourists want to visit the place as it has been shown on the television and films.
However the Loch Ness Monster has become a famous land mark to go and visit, this has been through television and films. However, ' Tourist's video shows ring of disturbed water they swear was caused by the monster... but say they were too captivated to take a picture (Mail, 2015) ' , it just shows that people are so fascinated in being in the places where the local ness monster was found and capturing an image of them visiting the location has a bigger effect, then visitors actually thinking they spotted the loch ness monster, because people are to fascinated in the location then actually seeing the tale.
'However, film producers, in general, have little concern for the impacts of film-induduced tourism as, once they have completed their on-location filming, they leave (Beeton, 2005)'. This just shows that when the film producers pick a location to film their movie. They don't take into consideration what affect it will have on that location, as by the film being filmed in a location near them will affect their visitor numbers and also increase their local income because tourists will be helping them improving that buying souvenirs.
On the other hand 'destination marketing organisations have used the success of film-induced attractions to promote their regions to visitors (Beeton, 2005)'. Tourist’s destinations have been letting film tourism come into their local community because this was helping their Gross Domestic Product increase with the visits off tourists. This was a way for areas to increase their Gross Domestic Product because of tourists coming and spending their money in the local community.
However, it also shows how the Da Vinci Code affected the area after they had filmed the movie, the amount of traffic with cars, trains and buses will increase in the area because the number of tourists visiting Rosslyn Chapel will affect the amount of traffic coming in and out of a small area. However it also shows how it affected locals nearby because 'When the Da Vinci code started to be filmed, the Rosslyn Church 'record crowds of tourists being drawn to Rosslyn chapel by the incredible success of the bestseller The Da Vinci Code. (Scotsman, 2015)'

Also within the report the theories that are used are Push and Pull (Santos, 1997) this shows how people and tourists were pushed towards the area and also pulled away from the area. Product Life Cycle (Vernon, 1979) was also used to show how good tourism earning could all of a sudden stop. But last but not least, Ansoff Matrix (Ansoff, 1957) was also used to how that by aiming this chapel towards tourist people, but however also it is using an existing product (chapel) that has been there for hundreds of years. This shows that the existing chapel is already an existing product and it had been used to help gain tourists into the community.


Beeton, S. (2005) Film Induced Tourism, Channel View Publications: Clevedon

Film Tourism (2015) Film Tourism [online] [Accessed 28 April 2015]. Available at: <http://film-tourism.com/>.

Mail Online (2015) Is this proof that Nessie exists? Tourist's video shows ring of disturbed water they swear was caused by the monster... but say they were too captivated to take a picture [online] [Accessed 29 April 2015]. Available at: < http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2999207/Is-proof-Nessie-exists-Tourist-s-tantalising-video-shows-black-humps-rising-waters-Loch-Ness.html>.