2024 Conference
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TSVC | Tourism Students Virtual Conference

2019 - Increasing inclusion, diversity and wellbeing: Exploring issues of participation, representation and work from a critical tourism and social justice perspectives

We are seeking to explore the social, cultural and political dimensions of tourism in the early 21st century and explore the current critical issues in tourism. Key questions include:

  • What does social justice and equality mean in the context of tourism?
  • What are the critical issues and challenges the global tourism industry faces in the contemporary globalised world?
  • How do age, disability, gender, sexuality and race affect our experiences of tourism?
  • How can we make tourism accessible to all? What are the social factors affecting access to tourism?
  • How are women, ethnic minorities, older people represented in tourism marketing materials? Why is inclusivity important when it comes to constructing marketing materials?
  • Who are those working in tourism and hospitality, and what key challenges are they facing in tourism employment?
  • What can be done to make tourism and hospitality workplaces more inclusive?
Strand 1
Improving wellbeing through social and accessible tourism
Strand 2
Edited out? Tourism, imagery and representation
Strand 3
Understanding gendered and racialised tourism experiences
Strand 4
Tourism from the worker perspective: making sense of working lives and working environments