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Terrorist organisations influencing the tourism demand in Spain and Turkey

Terrorist organisations influencing the tourism demand in Spain and Turkey
Author: Tiina Raatikainen
2 Commentries
This paper discusses Turkey and Spain, both popular destinations in Europe's tourism industry and influenced by terrorist organisations that attack against tourism industry in their own country.

Key words: terrorist attacks, Turkey, Spain, tourism

Tourists value and expect peace and tranquil environment to be able to enjoy their holiday activities in their chosen destination, this makes tourism demand very sensitive to the influence of terrorist attacks and political violence. Terrorism may damage tourism by affecting negatively to the destination image and in that way reducing tourist arrivals. Tourism is also an important source of foreign direct investment in many developing countries and continued attacks may notably reduce foreign direct investment over time.

Politically motivated terrorist attacks on tourists make us think about the relationship between tourism, risk and security. Though it can be said that the nature of the risk has changed in the tourism industry since tourists have increasingly become the particular targets of terrorist attacks and violence, it is also important to remember that this era is the era of global stability when thinking of the incidence of armed conflict worldwide.

The 'Westernised' culture that the tourists present may cause local hatred among certain conservative or religious groups and make them commit terrorist attacks against tourists. A more profitable reason is the 'exchange value' of the tourists. Tourists become targets for kidnappings because that kind of events draw the media's attention to the terrorist organisations and to their ideologies. Very often it is not even their intention to focus attacks on tourism itself, but they want to point out internal injustices in their own country. The latter applies in the case of The Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) in Spain and Kurdish separatists in Turkey.

There have been several terrorist organizations performing attacks in Turkey, one of the most active is the Front Kurdistan Worker's Party, PKK, a Marxist-Leninist rebel group interested in establishing an independent state in southeast Turkey. It has focused on attacking Turkey's tourism industry since 1991. During the 1990's periodic bomb attacks and shootings by PKK and other groups, troubles like that have been part of daily life in Turkey. Terrorist attacks in the region are caused because of the political instability. As a politically unstable situation can be described a situation in which the politically legitimate conditions of governance and rule are challenged by elements operating from outside of the political system. For example in May 2001, 12 gunmen held hostages for 12 hours at a five-star hotel in Istanbul to protest Russian military action in Chechnya. No one was hurt, but this incident concerned Turkey's tourism industry, which hosted 10 million tourists who brought $8 billion into Turkey's economy in 2000. Tourism revenues constitute an important part of gross domestic product (GDP) in Turkey and the country enjoys an important world market share in terms of tourist income receipts. The tourism market of Turkey is sensitive to attacks of low and high level. On the other hand, if there occurs terrorist activity in Turkey's neighbouring country Greece, it is likely that there will be a substitution effect that increases Turkish market.

The most known terrorist organisation in Spain is The Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA), founded in 1959, which aims to create an independent homeland in Spain's Basque region. The organisation's targets have previously been politicians, members of the military and the Spanish government. However, ETA especially targeted Spain's tourism industry between 1984 and 1987 and bombings have continued ever since. In 2006 in a video statement shown on national television ETA announced that it has decided to declare a permanent cease fire, but the attacks have still continued in recent years.

The idea of the involvement of risk when planning holidays has the potential to disrupt normal decision-making. Tourists tend to compare destination alternatives according to perceived benefits and costs. If they feel there is a risk of terrorist attack in a destination where they have planned on going, they are likely to look for an alternative option as a substitute. Negative events like natural disasters raise understanding and tolerance in the tourists, but when the events are caused by human and include political violence, they raise outrage and are felt intimidating.

In the case of Spain and Turkey both are coping well in the tourism industry with high figures on tourist arrivals though having quite similar terrorist activity, there have continuously been terrorist attacks in both countries. This might be partly because tourists have not had information about all the attacks. When there are attacks happening repeatedly it is a great threat for the country's tourism industry, and therefore the media coverage about the incidents is tried to be kept as small as possible. Tourists who are not informed about the attacks in media, do not get this information from elsewhere either and might not get a totally realistic picture of what is happening.

Bianchi, R. (2007) Tourism and the globalisation of fear: Analysing the politics of risk and (in)security in global travel. Tourism and Hospitality Research 7 (1) 64-74

Drakos, K., and A. Kutan (2003) Regional Effects of Terrorism on Tourism in Three Mediterranean Countries. Journal of Conflict Resolution 47:621-641.

Sönmez, S. (1998) Tourism, terrorism, and political instability. Annals of Tourism Research 25 (2) 416-456

Terrorist Organisations - Tourism Demand and the role of Media.
Author: Wioletta Komar
Conference Paper engages perfectly with the strand as terrorism is the main risk factor for tourists. It is very well discussed and different issues which influence the tourism demand are pointed out.

Author of this discussion paper rightly states that tourists value and expect peace and tranquil environment when on holiday and that tourist's holiday decisions are affected by terrorist attacks and political violence. Good point is to underline the susceptibility of tourists to become targets of terrorist attacks and violence as they are 'easy targets'.

The reference of media importance is outlined and could be supported by strong evidence of the information given by media about terrorist attack and the real against exaggerated information on news could be discussed. Sonmez and Graefe (1998) also point out that terrorists want global audience to know about their acts.

The importance of the dependence of tourism industry in Spain and Turkey is discussed with the devastating effects of terrorism attacks in these countries which damage the image and attractiveness of the holiday destination for tourists. It influences the decision - making process when planning holidays making tourists choose alternative destinations. Paper also considers the difference between natural and man made risks, which is very important point to make.

Author of the paper impresses with the wide understanding of the topic suggesting in the conclusion that both countries Spain and Turkey do well according to the fight figures on tourist arrivals because 'tourists have not had information about all the attacks'. The point is that because of the high economic dependence of these countries on tourism industry government doesn't want the global audience to know about all attacks and potential tourists can't see that information in the media. Making it impossible for tourists to know about the real risks.

The author has discussed the topic well and shows understanding of the issues related with terrorism and tourism.
Terrorist organisations influencing the tourism demand in Spain and Turkey
Author: Helena Kipper
The author of this discussion paper has clearly pointed out how terrorism attacks and political violence has damaged tourism demand by reducing tourist arrivals to the countries that have been suffered from terrorist attacks, or regions where the political instability is still present. It has discussed how political instability and terrorism attacks will not only harm the country itself, but also neighbouring countries are suffering as in my case, Beirman (2001) explains how political instability in Israel has affected the tourism industry of neighbouring countries Palestine and Jordan.

This discussion paper has also highlighted the fact that tourist destinations have been terrorist targets and tourists have become targets of kidnappings to get the attention of the media. The author has given many good examples of terrorism activity, for example how tourists were kidnapped in Turkey and held as hostages for many hours and how this influenced Turkey's tourism industry. Pizan & Mansfeld (1996: 144) explained how "Many tourism destinations have been the targets of terrorism, because they provide targets, which enable them to meet their goals". It is clear that terrorism will affect the tourism industry in many ways, for example people are scared to go to regions where there is high level of risk of terrorism. People will choose destinations which are politically stable. The author has also discussed the media's bad influence especially when releasing the worse part of the region's violent activity and in the worse case giving a false impression of the country.

Many governments have advised tourists not to travel to the regions where the terrorism activity has occurred or where it might occur, this gives the negative impact to the tourism industry of those destinations, and in the worse cases many tourists would never travel to the country where the terrorism activity has taken place. There is evidence which shows that terrorist activity has reduced the number of tourists travelling. Media has damaged the reputations of such place in a way so tourists have started to cancel their holidays and as a result many jobs have been lost in these destinations. This is especially harming the countries which are highly depended on tourism. It is clear that security is of upmost importance for tourists, and the like to feel safe on their holidays.

Overall the author made it clear what the topic was about and provided good examples of the impact of terrorism in Turkey, however author should have given examples from terrorism attacks made in Spain, giving the better knowledge about terrorism influencing the Spanish tourism industry, for example has the number of tourism arrivals in Spain decreased as a result of terrorist activities in the region?


Beirman D (2002) 'Marketing of tourism destinations during a prolonged crisis: Israel and the Middle East', Journal of Vacation Marketing, vol. 8 (2), pp. 167- 176

Pizam A & Mansfeld Y (1996) Tourism, Crime and International Security Issues, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester